Klima Optima Industrial Dehumidifiers have been proven to be one of the best air dehumidifiers when it comes to both durability and value. Using a dehumidifier can help in ensuring product quality, lessening spoilages, lessening the likelihood of damages due to humidity when in storage, and ensuring the longevity of your products.


Industrial Grade Dehumidifier to maintain required humidity levels and prevent problems caused by excess humidity like rust, corrosion, rot mildew and molds. For drying out areas like storage, production areas, shops, garages, utility rooms, damp basements, areas with water damage.

Dehumidifying Capacity: 240L/day


Industrial Grade Dehumidifier to maintain required humidity levels and prevent problems caused by excess humidity like rust, corrosion, rot mildew and molds. For drying out areas like storage, production areas, shops, garages, utility rooms, damp basements, areas with water damage.

Dehumidifying Capacity: 138L/day

Rotor Desiccant Dehumidifiers

Control and maintain the humidity in your storage areas and fermentation plants with Klima Optima Industrial Rotor Desiccant Dehumidifiers. Maintaining humidity in Food Production areas and Fermentation areas are important because if food ingredients pick up moisture, molds and bacteria can grow leading to spoilage.


Perfect for commercial areas like offices, warehouse, commissaries, kitchens, bakeries, hotels, museums, archives, hospitals, retail stores, shopping malls, laboratories and data centers etc.

Dehumidifying Capacity: 70L/day